


Shihan John Jeffery is ranked as an 8th Degree Black Belt, (Hachidan) and was awarded his Rensei certificate in 2002 by Hanshi Seikichi Odo from Agena Okinawa. He was promoted to the rank of 8th Degree Black Belt, (Kyoshi) in Aungust 2017 by Hanchi Paul Ortino, Jr., from Honolulu, Hawaii in the Martial Art of RyuKyu  hon Kenpo Kobojutsu Karate. He is a licensed qualified instructor with the RyuKyu hon Kenpo Kobujutsu  Federation and Okinawa Kenpo Karate Dharma-Ryu Dojo’s in both Okinawan Karate and Okinawan Weapons (Kobudo).


In 1972 Sensei Jeffery  Began his studies under A Korean instructor by the Name of Master Lee Kim learning the art of Tae Kwon Do while stationed at Lee Barracks, Mainz  Germany.  In 1975, after serving three years in the US Army Sensei Jeffery returned to St Augustine, FL Where he studied the art of Tang Soo Do under  Dr. Kissisler, Kenny Durling, and Tom Franke.

In 1977 Sensei Jeffery moved to Jefferson City, MO. Where he studied the Japanese Martial Art of Kei Shin Kan.  Under the Karate Master Noborura Shinahara And  Sensei B.J. Huffman.

In 1978 he re-located back to St. Augustine, Fl where he continued to study and train in the art of Tang So Do.  In 1980 Sensei Jeffery began training under Soke Richard Ballerigeon  (8th Degree Black Belt) studying the Martial Art of Shito-Ryu Karate located in Valdosta, Georgia, and was awarded his 3rd Degree Black Belt (Sandan) by Soke Ballerigeon.

In 1982 Sensei Jeffery re-entered military service And was stationed at Ft. McNair, Washington D.C. with The 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard). Sensei Jeffery opened his first dojo in 1980 in St Augustine Florida, and has been teaching ever since.  In 1986 Sensei Jeffery was transferred to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii where he became a  Student of Hanchi Seikichi Odo and Kyoshi Paul Ortino Jr,  Training in the Martial Art of RyuKyu hon Kenpo Kobojutsu and continues to train under one of these  Great Masters.

Grand Master Seikichi Odo passed away March of 2002 and left behind a legacy of wealth of Martial Art knowledge that was humbly shared by him to the many  Students he fostered.  I am honored to humbly pass on the wishes that Master Odo had for all his students to keep and do, before his passing, in his own words, “teach my kata’s and  Keep them straight”, with this task given to all of his students we will strive to accomplish this task. Sensei Jeffery has been a  Member of Hawaii Karate Congress (H.K.C.), and a member Of the Hawaii Karate Kodanshakai and was awarded By the Board Members of the Kodanshakai the rank of 3rd Degree  Black Belt, signed by legendary Sensei's like Bobby Lowe Sensei And James Miyigi Sensei. Sensei Jeffery is Kyoshi Paul Ortino's Senior Student and technical advisor for the Dharma Ryu Dojo's.  Sensei Jeffery retired From the US Army after 21 years of faithful Service and with his lovely wife Cindy Has made Valdosta, Georgia Their home. Sensei Jeffery operates a successful Karate Dojo located at 408F Northside Drive.

Sensei Jeffery’s goal is to teach traditional Karate and Kobujutsu to his students as his teachers taught him. Sensei Jeffery’s awards and ranks are as follows:

Bachelor of Science Degree, Management Human Resourcess Rensei Certificate Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo  8th Degree Black Belt (Kyoshi) Ryukyu hon Kenpo Kobujutsu Federation  8th Degree Black Belt (Kyoshi) Okinawa Kenpo Karate Dharma-Ryu Dojo 3rd Degree Black Belt Shito-Ryu Karate 3rd Degree Black Belt Karate (Kodanshukai Federation)



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Jeffery's Okinawan Kenpo Karate Academy
408F Northside Drive
Valdosta Ga. 31602

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