General Information
THE KARATE CREED (Master Ed Parker) I come to you with only karate empty hands. 1 have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, My principles or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, or right or wrong, then here are my weapons. Karate my empty hands.
We are proud of our Black Belts Kyoshi's Current Active Black Belts
THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DHARMA-RYU D0J0 Seek perfection character Be faithful Endeavor Respect others Refrain from violent behavior
THE FOUR A's OF MARTIAL ARTS Attitude Attendance Attire Ability
MY OBI As I wrap this obi around my waist, I bow my head with no disgrace. It is a symbol of knowledge which I have learned, It's color shows the degree which I have earned. All this knowledge I hold to this day, I owe to no one but my Sensei, In my heart where no one can see, I will always respect and protect my obi.
DOJO RULES 1. Instructors will be addressed as "Sensei". 2. Everyone will be treated with equal respect. 3. Everyone will "Rei" before entering and leaving the dojo. 4. No shoes will be worn in the dojo. 5. No smoking, gum chewing or unethical language in the dojo. 6. No horseplay in the dojo. 7. No sparring without Sensei's permission, brown belts and above excluded. 8. No student may participate in class if they have consumed any alcoholic beverage or have taken any drugs the day of class. If taking medication, inform the instructor prior to class. 9. If you are injured before, during, or after class, inform your instructor.
DO'S 1. Be at the dojo 10 minutes prior to the start of class. 2. Use the restroom prior to coming in the dojo. 3. Inform Sensei of any illness or injury prior to class. 4. Be respectful and courteous to fellow students. 5. Be helpful to other students who may be having difficulties. 6. Leave shoes or sandals outside the dojo or inside on shoe rack; always line them up neatly. 7. Show respect to assistant instructors. 8. Have dues turned in by the first of the month. Don'ts 1. Do not come to the dojo under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 2. Do not push or shove students when lining up. 3. Do not wear jewelry or watches during class. 4. Do not wear dirty gi to class. 5. Do not forget to thank your parents for allowing you to come to class. 6. Do not misuse or abuse the teachings of the dojo on people outside of the class, as well as family.
Jeffery's Okinawan Kenpo Karate Academy
408F Northside Drive
Valdosta Ga. 31602
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