Jeffery's Okinawan Kenpo Karate Academy


COST A Ryukyu Kobujutsu seminar can be taught at your dojo or facility, by a licensed instructor, for $250 per day plus expenses (travel & room as required). Length of Seminar is usually 4 hours.
SEMINAR Topics covered will be tailored to the practitioner's needs.
CONTENT Topics include: History, explanation of basics, basic drills, Kata and Kata bunkai.


For more information on how you can sponsor a seminar, write, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us. Thank you!
Mailing Address:

Jeffery's Okinawan Kenpo Karate Academy

408F Northside Drive Valdosta Ga. 31602


Jeffery's Okinawan Kenpo Karate Academy
408F Northside Drive
Valdosta Ga. 31602

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